Board of Trustees

MANDO's Board of Trustees decides strategic direction, delivers on objectives and ensures the organization is solvent, well-run and upholds its values.

Since its inception in 2007 MANDO adheres to well-defined organizational rules. The Board is comprised of not less than three nor more than seven persons elected at the Annual General Meeting. Leadership is by those involved. Grassroots mobilization is the key.

Systems are in place for reporting, monitoring, and maintaining an ethical framework for all those who work on behalf of the organization – subcommittees, standing groups such as the Financial Management Group and other delegated advisory panels.

The MANDO Board encourages and enables participation of key stakeholders – users and beneficiaries – in the organization's planning and decision making. It believes that positive and lasting change depends on the commitment, passion, courage and integrity of everyone involved. Therefore, it important to be open, honest, reliable, transparent and accountable.

Administrative personnel volunteers are professionally accomplished, a capable network committed to development of the Maasai communities in which they work.

Project Director - Michael Sayo

Michael was born and raised in a remote village where he went to school at Eremit, one of the communities MANDO supports. Before getting a chance to go to school at eight years old, he spent most of his time in the bush looking after the family cows, protecting them from lions and other dangers.

While he loved his herd, he also saw the value of having formal education. Each villager sold goats and cows to help him get an education in Nairobi. After graduation he decided to give back to his community. Thus, MANDO was founded.

Working on the premise that change is inevitable, he wants his people to be agents of change rather than victims. His dream is to help empower the Maasai people through education, health and economic development. He wants to integrate the Maasai way of life with the modern world, while conserving and celebrating Maasai cultural heritage. He envisions literate communities that are not so poverty prone. English, Swahili and Maasai are his working languages.

Hear Michael talk about MANDO.