Students range from four to 13 years old. Each villager with a child in school has to sell a goat, sheep or cow every three months for boarding fees, uniform, desk and learning materials – an estimated $105 USD a year. Uniforms are mandatory in Kenya’s public schools. Even with government subsidy for textbooks, there is not enough to buy a book for each student. Two and three students share a textbook. 

MANDO is involved with four primary schools in the Eremit community. Eremit Primary School experiences significant overcrowding. More than 500 students attend pre-primary through standard eight classes. This led to formation of a feeder school in the geographic center of the village where the majority of people live. Enkoireroi Primary School was constructed in 1998 as a community initiative. There was enough money to construct only four classrooms. The student body grew to 300. Still, several hundred students walk more than 10 miles each way to school. MANDO is also involved with Kimelok & Esonorua Primary Schools 80 kilometers southwest of Nairobi. The prospect of a new school in Nkuyan would cut down on the distance many students have to travel and address overcrowding at the Enkoireroi and Kimelok Primary Schools.

These schools have been a model of success for the entire Kajiado District. In 2010 Enkoireroi Primary School was rated the best boarding school in the Kisames zone. Since 1978 when the first school was built, more than 100 students have graduated and gone on to high school.

Unique in their approach is a Western and Maasai integrated curriculum. While being culturally sensitive to the Maasai way of life, this allows Maasai children to function locally as well as outside Maasai boundaries.

Subjects taught are:

  • languages: Maasai, Swahili, English

  • mathematics

  • social studies

  • science and agriculture

 Extra curricular activities include

  • arts: drama, visual, music, and dance

  • Maasai oral literature and traditions

  • sports: soccer, volleyball, netball, running

The schools are managed by a committee of 12 men and women collectively appointed by members of the Maasai community. Each participates in the decision-making processes, including the evaluation of teaching methods and school projects.

The community encourages self-discipline rather than imposed from without. Older students are encouraged to become positive role models for younger ones adhering to the Maasai tradition of intergenerational support.


  • finding sponsors for children who otherwise would have to leave school (more here.) Maasai orphaned children are vulnerable to disease, hunger and deprivation. Without social support needed for growth and development, some lose hope and drop out of school. Girls are married very young. Your gift will help provide meals, clothing, medical care and even shelter for a needy or orphaned child not only in primary school but beyond.

  • Collaborative art projects are supported. Scans of student art are sent to organizations that can distribute them in exchange for art supplies and any revenue they generate.

  • repairing a classroom floor, donating desks and adding chalkboards at Eremit Primary School's Oloika Pre-School with a matching donation from Thomson Reuters

  • adding roof water catchments at Enkoireroi School described here